Launch Team


Launch Team

What is a launch team?

Astronauts have a team in a command center to provide the impetus to  help get the astronauts into space.  Books also need a dedicated group of people who are willing to help it be seen on many on sites such as Amazon and Barnes and Noble.  There are a few reasons to set a book into orbit with a blast.  One is if it is timely and Navigating Uncertain Times is a Bible study that was written to match our current unsettling times.  Another is if it can impact people’s lives for the better and this book can do that as well.  Buckle up and join us!

Why Join the Team?

You helping to launch the book will get it into the hands of Christians who have been struggling with the uncertainty, conflict, and confusion of our current nation and world.  Also, part of the proceeds goes to getting books and computers to children in third world countries.

Your Mission

…Purchase the book online from Amazon  or Barnes & Noble, using Uncertain Times Michelle Booth in the search engine. This is important as the more reviews are written, the higher it will come on searches.

  1. Leave a review.  You can leave a review where you purchased it, and on Barnes & Noble even if you didn’t buy it from there.
  2. Leave a review on
  3. Promote the book on social media.
  4. Tell your friends and church members about it.
  5. Sign up for one of the Bible studies and invite others to join as well.  If you live near Auburn California, ask to have a Bible study at your church.
  6. If you know someone with a blog or podcast, ask them to invite Michelle.
  7. Keep talking the book up for the first three months.