Endorsements for Navigating Uncertain Times

Michelle’s Bible study is one of the most timely studies I’ve seen in a while. She has taken the lessons and principles from the Prophets to help us navigate these troubled times as faithful, faith-filled Christians. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and these lessons help us remember that and find strength and peace in challenges facing many of us today. I think every small group should go through this study and find God’s help and guidance for today. 

–Terrie Hellard-Brown, minister, writer, and podcaster


Navigating Uncertain Times brings Old Testament lessons to life with engaging stories from the author’s own experiences.  The author’s writing style delights and challenges.  In these times of changing realities and conflicting beliefs, the author shares enduring lessons to encourage, bring perspective, and inspire hope.

            Sheryl Trainor

            Spiritual Director


I recommend this Bible Study to everyone who is navigating our uncertain

times and longing for hope. The author explores the lives of ancient believers

and illustrates their deep connection with God and relatable personal stories

confirm His faithful character in our lives today. Journaling prompts get to the

heart of the matter to help the student apply what is learned.

Nancy Ness

Critique Leader of Compel Writers Training


“In these wildly uncertain times, we are feeling more unsettled and confused than ever. Our faith, security, health, and safety, all seem to be assaulted on a daily basis.  What can we do?? Fortunately, 21st century challenges are not entirely new. Old testament trials and lessons have relevance and application in our world today.  “Navigating Uncertain Times” by Michelle Booth, reminded me that we are NOT alone. Our faith ancestors can provide us with comfort and hope. We can persevere, by learning from those who have gone before us, and move forward with newfound confidence and assurance. Don’t miss your opportunity for newfound hope. Read this book! I am so grateful that I did!”

Mary Kate Gleeson Christian & Board-Certified Patient Advocate



Pandemic. Inflation. Political crisis. If ever there were uncertain times, we are living in them! Yet, we all face our own uncertain times, perhaps financial, or family issues, or health concerns. Michelle Booth faces these things with us, as she shares life stories and digs deep into the history and challenges of Old Testament figures who faced uncertain times too. Through their examples Booth helps us see how to be resilient people of God. She reminds us that God has given us “gifts, a promise, and a calling”. Then she encourages us not to waste them. Booth is both insightful and delightful in her writing. With faith, wit, and a good dose of reality, this book becomes an important tool helping us to take on the challenge of being a people of God in our own uncertain times.

Lynn McKenna, LCSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


Living in a world constantly changing is not easy. Michelle brings to life the stories in the Bible while addressing our fears of change and ‘what ifs’. You’ll find yourself turning the page, eager to continue mining the beautiful gems of Scripture and practical advice.

Nicole Monroe, Author


Even if my fear comes to pass, I can trust God to get me through. How many people believe these words? My worst fear became a reality when someone murdered my son. When God puts us in challenging situations, He wants us to seek Him, which is what I did. This, among many other valuable lessons, kept me up all night reading Michelle Booth’s Navigating Uncertain Times. I learned so much about myself and God’s plan for my life, and I hope you will do the same by reading this book full of wisdom.

Tammy Horvath,

Speaker and Author of Gone in an Instant